CRAFT-based Provider Resource page on

Check out this page for a listing of upcoming CRAFT and CRAFT-based trainings, invitation to join an email community of CRAFT-based providers, information on how to become a part of the Helping Families Help Directory, and more!!

CRAFT/Invitation to Change Peer Consultation Group & Book Club

Please come join our monthly meeting of fellow clinicians who are interested in working with families who have a loved one struggling with addictive behaviors. We use the two hours to connect, support, learn, practice, and consult with each other on CRAFT-related topics and skills. Our Zoom meetings are on the last Tuesday of the month, from 9:00 to 11:00 am Pacific Time. Interested in joining us? Can’t make the time happen but want to stay connected anyway? Want to learn more? Let me know and I’ll add you to our CRAFT/ITC peer consultation email list.

CRAFT/Invitation to Change Research Links and Information

What is CRAFT? -

Introduction to ITC -

CRAFT overview - Center for Motivation and Change

Invitation to Change - Center for Motivation and Change

Research on CRAFT -

Listing of Dr. Robert Meyers CRAFT related research from his website.

NCBI meta-analyisis of Motivational interviewing.